It’s a good point though. I’ve talked before about how the great British public are spending selectively on their fashion choices and I think these two issues are roughly in the same ball park. Or at least in adjacent ball parks. Without repeating myself too much, there hundreds of studies producing thousands of results about how people are investing in their fashion pieces. There is less holiday time on offer because everyone wants to make a good impression on their job that they’ve clung onto through the recession by the skin of their teeth and no one can afford to go away anyway. A long weekend at a festival is the way forward.
Popularity of festivals seems particularly rife this year. Last year it really took off and lots of people who hadn’t been before discovered that when you go to a festival, normal rules of society don’t apply. This is the quintessential point that is making these same people return to them and what is attracting even more people. Society doesn’t apply. Where in the real world do you live in a tent, walk round with facepaint without seeming weird, where loo roll is worth its weight in gold and where you give out free hugs to anyone who takes your fancy? This wouldn’t deserve a first glance let alone a second at Reading or Glastonbury. People take their children and scrawl their phone numbers across their limbs; you wouldn’t do that in many other crowded places, would you?
So why wouldn’t everyone to get in on the action? The answer is that they do and we’ll all be out in force this summer – limited edition Hunter wellies and all.
Bringing my nicely onto my promise from yesterday. The Girl’s Ultimate Guide to Festivaling. Now I bought these babies a few weeks ago and thought they haven’t seen much action outside in the mud yet, I have wandered round my flat in them on numerous occasions. Well, I wasn’t going to let them sit there and stare £125 in my face.
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