Here's the nail varnish, with a wee bit of gold.
But back to the point that I was originally trying to make, if not rather long windedly. (Windedly – I don’t think that’s a real word. Is now. Ha.)
Nails, and I am sure this has been said elsewhere, are the accessory of Spring. Fashion Week (London, obviously; no other FW matters apart from the one in closest proximity) saw WAH Nails with their pop-up shop (who can be quoted to say ‘Square is so over’, just FYI) in Tosho, not to mention the obsession that is Chanel Particulière, there has been a recent post on the Vogue Beauty Blog
referencing Margarita Belska’s Kinetics nail brand and after some very skint research this HOH nail art is pretty hot shit too.

The pastel opaque colours are everywhere.
It does baffle me slightly as to why nail varnish can have women wrestle, scratching and brawling over Chanel counters to get their hands on the latest fad. I’m sure this will be the case in May when Nouvelle Vague graces us with its presence. I suppose it must be down to the R word (recession, bleurgh, a now a cliché in its own right); if you can’t afford the Chanel handbag, get the nail varnish. Hell yeah.
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